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Se afișează postări din iulie, 2021

This world...what is this world?

Alexandru Bogdan M. Photography      This world...what is this world?      Is more than you can see or feel. It represents both. Imagine that there is no sky without atmosphere you can breath in. You can see the sky and feel the air you breath. You are alive.       Did you ever think about these as being your world? Because without them you couldn' t read this today.       Imagine a sky with stars. There is no sky without stars. You are the star on that sky. So, be as bright as much as you can to share your warmth, like a sunlight on your face can give you confort and tenderness. Life is the sky and you are the star that hangs on it. Try to shine on your way, because the sky is yours.

I'm a new page, a new chapter, a new book

Alexandru Bogdan M. Photography      Trying to find the last word, I am lost between pages and time to finish the book. There was a  moment when you lost me. There was the moment in which you freed me out to find the line where the life could have a meaning and the life can be lived.       I can't remember the last word, because your last word was me and I was lost. I put myself on blank pages where I could question myself about my identity, to create a story. This book seems to be never ending. I catch meanings,  moments and memories, but with all of this I can't catch my meaning, my worth.       Where can I find all of these? What I know right now is that I'm not afraid   about life anymore, or about future, because right now I live the present and here I am.. only myself. I can be a  word on a blank page, but this blank page can be the last.       That's why the book should be written right now.

Viata, o calatorie spre centrul sinelui nostru.

Alexandru Bogdan M. Photography      Viata , o calatorie spre centrul sinelui nostru. Fiecare pas facut, fiecare respiratie se noteaza in calendarul timpului ce trece nesemnificativ. Timpul care vrea sa ne faca sa credem ca depindem de el. Oare asa sa fie? Sa depindem noi de timp? Eu zic ca nu.       Timpul nu se poate darui. Ne nastem in el si murim in el. Timpul continuua sa exite dincolo de imaginatia noastra, dincolo de noi. In sfera aceasta ce ne acopera, cerul este nelimitat. Asa este si viata noastra. Un spatiu catre sinele nostru de care stim atat de putine lucruri. Sinele nostru ca si o stea ce asteapta sa ia nastere sub ochii nostri. Chiar si un moment scurt de cateva secunde prin care te poti conecta cu tine, poate aduce in viata ta lucruri frumoase.       Lucruri de care ai nevoie dar care nu ti le-ai dorit si lucruri pe care ti le-ai dorit dar de care nu ai nevoie in acel moment. Lucrurile de care ai nevoie, la care nu te-ai gandit, dar pe care le apreciezi si lucrurile pe